Arthur M. & Berdena King
Eagle Scout Scholarship
Open to all Eagle Scouts who are currently registered in an active unit and have
not reached their 19th birthday during the year of application.
- The Scout must fill out a two-page application
- (American Heritage, Genealogy, Law MB's will add additional points)
- Write a 500-word essay on a Patriotic theme
- Complete a four generation ancestor chart
- (Back to the Scout's Great Grandparents)
- The family chart is to introduce the Scout to the importance of knowing their family history
Oklahoma State Winner
Eagle Trophy
$500.00 Cash Award
National Winners
1st Place - $10,000.00
2nd - $6,000.00
3rd - $4,000.00
4th $1,000.00
5th - 10th $500.00
11th - 15th $300.00
Peyton Mahan
Troop 226, Crew 2223, Ship 1311
Westwood Church of Christ
Last Frontier Council, BSA
Oklahoma Society Sons of the American Revolution
Arthur M. & Berdena King Eagle Scout Award Winner 2023
Oklahoma Society
Deadline is December 31st
Where to find the contest application & rules:
Questions contact:
Oklahoma State Eagle Scout Chairman -