Gallery 8
Oklahoma City Chapter's Eagle Scout Chairman Ken Wyatt and the State Society's winner as the Eagle Scout of the Year, 2024.
OKC Color Guard at the Mustang Westerns Day Parade on September 7, 2024
Compatriot Ron Painter from the Tulsa Chapter received the Hannah Arnett White DAR/SAR Silver Medal Award at the NSDAR's Oklahoma State
Conference on May16,2024. L to R - Diane Hamill, Orriene Denslow, Compatriot Ron Painter, and State Regent Nancy Lisle
Compatriot Ray Merrit from the OKC Chapter received the Hannah Arnett White DAR/SAR Silver Medal Award at the NSDAR's Oklahoma State
Conference on May16,2024. L to R-Diane Hamill, Orriene Denslow, Compatriot Ray Merrit, and State Regent Nancy Lisle.
Compatriot Sean Drake presenting the JROTC Bronze Award as Outstanding Cadet to Cadet Luis Garcia at Putnam City West High School on April 27, 2024.