Membership Information
Information is available at the National Society Sons of the American Revolution website describing membership requirements and how to join SAR. Please visit and click "Meet SAR" and "Become A Member."
For more information, please contact the Registrar for each Chapter:
Ardmore Chapter Officers
Bartlesville Chapter Officers
Canadian Valley Chapter Officers
Norman Chapter Officers
Oklahoma City Chapter Officers
Tulsa Chapter Officers
Click the approriate link for the total cost of a membership dues and fees for each Chapter of NSSAR which is inclusive of National, State, and Local charges:
Ardmore Chapter Fees & Dues
Bartlesville Chapter Fees & Dues
Canadian Valley Chapter Fees & Dues
Norman Chapter Fees & Dues
Oklahoma City Chapter Fees & Dues
Tulsa Chapter Fees & Dues
Click on the following links for submitting an online SAR Membership Application or to obtain record copies from SAR and DAR.
Complete and Submit Your SAR Application:
SAR Record Copy Request Form-2015:
DAR Record Copy Information:
Every year at the National Congress our National Society awards the DAR/SAR award to the DAR state society that recruits the most members for SAR. This is a $500 award to the DAR state society. Select the DAR Finder Form to get a pdf of the form.
DAR Finder Form